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CPD Courses.

How to Book

Please note it is essential to register on this website first in order to book your place on our courses.

When registering please use your personal email rather the school email.

You can then login using your email address or username and password and book your course.

Once registered check your email and look out for the email "Dublin West Education Centre CPD Courses - Your details"

24AUT37 Supporting Our LGBTQ+ Children and Young People: A Guide for Special Needs Assistants

24AUT37 Supporting Our LGBTQ+ Children and Young People: A Guide for Special Needs Assistants

This webinar will provide SNAs with essential knowledge and practical strategies to create an inclusive, safe, and affirming environment for LGBTQ+ students.

LGBTQ+ children and young people often face unique challenges that can impact their emotional well-being, mental health, and academic success. This webinar will explore the vital role SNAs play in supporting LGBTQ+ students, ensuring they feel seen, heard, and valued in educational settings. Participants will learn about the importance of inclusive language and practices and discover how to advocate effectively for these students.

This webinar is suitable for Primary & Post Primary School Leaders, SETs, SNAs & Parents

Course Details

Course Date 22-10-2024 7:00 pm
Course End Date 22-10-2024 8:00 pm
Cut off date 22-10-2024 3:00 pm
Fee Free
Select Hours 1
Speaker Magdalena Landziak
Location Online