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CPD Courses.

How to Book

Please note it is essential to register on this website first in order to book your place on our courses.

When registering please use your personal email rather the school email.

You can then login using your email address or username and password and book your course.

Once registered check your email and look out for the email "Dublin West Education Centre CPD Courses - Your details"

24AUT67 (LL) The Joys and Challenges of Opening a Special Class

24AUT67 (LL) The Joys and Challenges of Opening a Special Class

The main purpose in opening a special class is to create a positive learning environment and learning experiences for pupils within an inclusive school culture. The Inclusion Illusion challenges all of us to question whether we are an inclusive school and whether our SEN pupils are involved in success-oriented learning with meaningful learning tasks. This is our story.

Learning Outcomes

1. Provide participants with practical timelines and resources for the setting up of an ASD class.

2. Explore strategies and practices associated with ASD communities of practice.

3. Explore the changes to whole school culture and practices following the opening of a special class.

Resources -- Participants will be given a copy of the presentation which includes many photographs of The Meadow in Johnstown. Participants will be invited to contact the presenter with questions or queries.

This FREE webinar with Caroline Quinn is a collaboration in partnership between Dublin West Education Support Centre, Blackrock Education Support Centre, Drumcondra Education Support Centre, Kildare Education Support Centre and Laois Education Support Centre, and is suitable for Primary teachers.


Course Details

Course Date 15-10-2024 7:00 pm
Course End Date 15-10-2024 8:00 pm
Cut off date 15-10-2024 3:00 pm
Fee Free
Select Hours 1
Speaker Caroline Quinn
Location Online