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25SPR33 Reading for Joy in the Irish Classroom (Senior)

25SPR33 Reading for Joy in the Irish Classroom (Senior)

As part of the new Literacy, Numeracy, and Digital Literacy Strategy, 2024-2033, pupils in primary school should spend more time reading and writing for enjoyment. This provides school communities with an opportunity to prioritise reading for joy in the culture, and to support pupils to reap the benefits that come with being life-long readers. Children’s Books Ireland aims to support primary teachers to introduce new texts into their classrooms by sharing knowledge about contemporary texts, providing usable resources and activity plans that are free to use, and offering guidance on innovative reading practices that are simple yet impactful.

This webinar will offer participants insights into how to use new books in their practice, discuss dialogic reading and how to use it effectively for both teacher and pupil, and offer recommendations for fiction and non-fiction titles that can be used across the curriculum.

This webinar is being run in collaboration with West Cork Education Support Centre

Course Details

Course Date 27-01-2025 7:00 pm
Course End Date 27-01-2025 8:00 pm
Cut off date 27-01-2025 3:00 pm
Fee Free
Select Hours 1
Speaker Dr. Becky Long
Location Online

Course unavailable