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25SPR53 (LL) Du vocabulaire à la compréhension (orale et écrite) en classe de français (JC/LC)

25SPR53 (LL) Du vocabulaire à la compréhension (orale et écrite) en classe de français (JC/LC)

Teaching and expanding vocabulary in French, pre-reading and listening engaging activities, inferring meaning, analysing and answering the questions, exam techniques and grammar questions, including past exam practical examples and AI.

Learning outcomes:

  • To extract information and derive enjoyment the more accessible Iiterature of the target language community
  • To give pupils a critical awareness of how meaning is organised and conveyed by the structures and vocabulary of the target language, and thus to contribute to their understanding of the workings of human language in general
  • To actively engage in language activities and tasks, developing the capacity to understand written and spoken language

This FREE webinar with Magalie Lalor is a collaboration in partnership between Dublin West Education Support Centre, Blackrock Education Support Centre, Drumcondra Education Support Centre, Kildare Education Support Centre and Laois Education Support Centre, and is suitable for Post Primary teachers.

Course Details

Course Date 29-01-2025 7:00 pm
Course End Date 29-01-2025 8:00 pm
Cut off date 29-01-2025 3:00 pm
Fee Free
Select Hours 1
Speaker Magalie Lalor
Location Online