Clár Samhraidh mBunscoileanna DEIS 2024/DEIS Summer Camps 2024

Clár Campaí Samhraidh Litearthachta agus Uimhearthachta do Bhunscoileanna DEIS 2024 Muinín agust Ceangail a Chothú: Lámhleabhar do Mhúinteoirí: cliceáil ANSEO
Seiminéir Traenála na gCampaí Samhraidh
Summer Camp Training Webinar
Físeán don cheardlann tréanála ar líne dos na Campaí Samhraidh DEIS 1.5.2024, nasc ANSEO
Seo físeán ó Seána Ní Chuain ó Lios Tuathail, ag insint dúinn faoina thaithí ar Champa Samhraidh ina scoil anuraidh, moltaí, smaointí agus eile, nasc ANSEO
DLP Training
Padlet: cliceáil ANSEO
Dropbox - Pleananna ceachta: cliceáil ANSEO
CLIL Resources: CLIL/ FCÁT agus Cianfhoghlaim (CLIL2019) profile | Padlet
DE website Summer Programmes - General Information - Click here
Queries & support including teacher payment
Email queries on the school-based programme can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Queries specific to the running of your Camp and accessing additional supports: contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Queries & support for Campaí Samhraidh: contact Gaeilge Camp Co-ordinator Daithí O Murchú: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
DEIS Summer Camps, Primary, Campaí Samhraidh, Clár Samhraidh mBunscoileanna DEIS, Summer, DEIS, Primary Schools